586 tulemust

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  • Nanolex Si3D Headlight – keraamiline kaitse auto lampidele 30 ml 61.41 

    Kuna esituled ja esilaternad on valmistatud polükarbonaadist, vajavad need parimat kaitset, eriti keskkonnamõjude ja päikese käes. Seetõttu oleme pühendunud pidevale uurimis- ja arendustegevusele eesmärgiga pakkuda turul parimaid tooteid.

  • Nanolex Si3D RIM keraamiline pinne 30ml 40.91 

    Polysilazane Infused Flexibility and Durability:
    Introducing Nanolex Si3D Rim, a ceramic coating rooted in polysilazane technology. This advanced formula strikes a harmonious balance between flexibility and impressive resilience, making it the ultimate shield for automotive rims against the elevated temperatures from fast rotations and intensive braking.

    Stunning Aesthetics and Easy Maintenance:
    With Nanolex Si3D Rim Ceramic Coating, cleaning becomes a breeze as brake dust and contaminants can be easily washed away. The coating leaves behind a radiant, high-gloss finish, showcasing the true beauty of your rims.

    Saadaval tellimisel

  • Nanolex Si3D Trim plastikust keraamiline 30ml 40.91 

    Advanced Solution:
    Unveil superior trim protection with Nanolex Si3D Trim, a groundbreaking hybrid system offering restoration of faded plastic trim combined with ceramic coating properties, developed with state-of-the-art silane technology. Formulated explicitly for automotive trim, this innovative solution sets a new standard in professional trim care, restoring faded trim and maintaining the vibrancy and integrity of your vehicle’s trim elements against the relentless environmental conditions at the same time.

    Saadaval tellimisel

  • Nanolex Si3D Leather nahkkeraamika komplekt 30ml 40.91 

    Sophisticated Protection:
    Discover the ultimate in leather preservation with Nanolex Si3D Leather, a revolutionary ceramic coating crafted using innovative organopolysilazane technology. Developed exclusively for automotive leather, this advanced formula is a milestone in professional leather protection, ensuring the luxurious look and feel of your interiors are preserved and protected against the elements.

    Saadaval tellimisel

  • Nanolex Si3D APX Bundle keraamiline kate 50ml 61.41 

    Pioneering Hybrid Technology:
    Dive into the next generation of vehicle protection with Nanolex Si3D APX. Meticulously crafted with a state-of-the-art glass-like hybrid SiO2 compound, this avant-garde coating champions comprehensive protection, gracing every exterior corner of your vehicle with unmatched brilliance and resilience.

    Elite Multifaceted Defense:
    Nanolex Si3D APX stands as a beacon of superior protective technology. It forms a sturdy, clear ceramic shield, defending against environmental challenges, water spots, and UV threats, while intensifying the innate allure and color vibrancy of your vehicle.

    Saadaval tellimisel

  • Nanolex Si3D CERABIDE keraamiline kate 30ml 122.00 

    Nanolex Si3D CERABIDE is a true revolution in this field, marking the first ever 3D-Si-Carbide Matrix reinforced with functionalized hybrid organic / inorganic, solid, particles.

    It is a true revolution in
    • Hydrophobicity with a contact angle of 105°+ consistently
    • Scratch resistance unlike any coating before
    • Durability of 75000 Km+
    • Scratch filling capability

    Saadaval tellimisel

  • Nanolex Si3D BC-põhine keraamiline kate 50ml 97.30 

    Kasutades meie asjatundlikkust, arendustehnikaid ja uuenduslikke tooraineid, laiendab Nanolex Car Care oma võrreldamatut ja kompromissitut kaitsesüsteemi uue kattekihiga – Nanolex Si3D BC.

    Saadaval tellimisel

  • Nanolex Si3D BC-põhine keraamiline kate 30ml 66.54 

    Kasutades meie asjatundlikkust, arendustehnikaid ja uuenduslikke tooraineid, laiendab Nanolex Car Care oma võrreldamatut ja kompromissitut kaitsesüsteemi uue kattekihiga – Nanolex Si3D BC.

    Saadaval tellimisel

  • Nanolex Si3D MAX polüsilatsaanid kate 30ml 112.67 

    Nanolex Si3D MAX moodustab väga paksu ristseotud polüsilasaanmaatriksi, et pakkuda maksimaalset kaitset koos maksimaalselt kergesti puhastatavate omadustega

  • Nanolex Si3D keraamiline kate 30ml 46.03 

    Nanolex Si3D on äärmiselt ilmastiku- ja kemikaalikindel, mis omakorda tagab suurepärase korrosioonikaitse koos kergesti puhastatavate omadustega.

    Saadaval tellimisel


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