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24 tulemust
Soft99 Interior Brush 30mm, sisepesu pintsel 4.60 €
The highest quality brush designed for car interior.
SOFT99 Digloss Kamitore Käsn 10.24 €
DiGloss Kamitore Sponge – a high quality wheel cleaning sponge, designed for easy cleaning over large areas and tight spaces, making it both flexible and robust.
Soft99 Exterior Brush – red 30mm 4.60 €
The highest quality brush designed for car exterior – for rim, grille or emblem cleaning. Synthetic bristles are resistant to strong chemicals and guarantee effective work in hard-to-reach areas. Plastic handle allows firm grip, is hygienic, does not react with used products and is easy to clean.
SOFT99 4-X Rehvide puhastusaine 12.30 €
A revolutionary tire dressing which reduces working time by 75%! By simply spraying, it creates delicate foam on the tire surface, which instantly binds to rubber, creating wet-look of the tire.
SOFT99 Tire Black Wax 19.47 €
Wax for tires! Tire Wax evenly covers the tire surface, enhancing its natural blackness. Created for all who want to maintain the matt effect and at the same time effectively reduce the aging process of tires. Tire Wax protects against moisture, dirt and UV rays, remaining one of the most effective dressings in the Soft99 offer
1. Remove dirt from tires in advance
2. Take the cap off and take out the included sponge. Put the wax on desired area and apply it thinly
3. Allow to dry for approximately (5-10 minutes), and polish with a soft cloth to get ultimate, beautiful shine -
SOFT99 Rain Drop Bazooka
16.40 €Original price was: 16.40 €.14.75 €Current price is: 14.75 €.Rain Drop is an instant way for a shiny and comprehensively sealed car. The RAS technology rich formula allows you to apply the product to any surface – paint, glass, trim, chrome, lights and even rims, boost their appearance, giving them hydrophobic properties and protection against dirt. The revolutionary method of application uses a special nozzle to spray the product under high pressure and over a long section, which allows you to cover even large surfaces in the blink of an eye, and reduce the working time to an absolute minimum. To make it even easier, Rain Drop has been designed for wet use. Its formula binds with water, facilitates spreading on the surface and additionally supports drying without streaks and reflections. Rain Drop gives the paint a visible gloss instantly, darkens the surface and covers up minor imperfections to enhance shine. Combination of advanced polymers produces a durable hydrophobic coating on the surface that lasts for 3 months. The coat is resistant to effects of everyday use, and its durability has been verified during a cycle of up to 5 washes in an automatic tunnel car wash! Rain Drop used as an independent windshield protection performs features of invisible wiper for up to 2 months, but is also fully compatible with Glaco products, perfectly supporting their properties. Bazooka can be used both as a stand-alone product, but is perfectly suited as a quick detailer for synthetic and hybrid waxes, as well as a booster for quartz and ceramic coatings
1. Wash your car with a neutral pH shampoo to remove all dirt
2. Rinse the car thoroughly
3. By pressing the atomizer trigger * apply optimal amount of product onto wet surface of the car car, and then immediately spread the foam with soft and absorbent microfiber. Remember to change microfiber sides frequently
4. Buff each element with a dry microfiber to make sure that all product remains have been removed
5. If you want the atomizer to spray the product constantly, set the side trigger to horizontal position. -
SOFT99 Iron Terminator rauaosakeste eemaldaja 500ml 11.27 €
Brake dust and rust deposits on the rims needs powerful but safe solutions. Reach for the Iron Terminator, which will deal with such persistent dirt in a few moments. The special formula dissolves all deposits with spectacular bleeding effect! It can also be used on the aints in the decontamination process!
1. Shake the bottle well and turn the nozzle to ON
2. Spray about 10 cm from the cleaned surface. Apply on cool surfaces and in a shaded area
3. Let it react for a few minutes, the colour will turn dark red. In case of stronger dirt, use additionally sponge or soft brush
4. Rinse well with high-pressure water
5. Repeat steps 1-4, if needed -
SOFT99 Fusso Coat Speed & Barrier Hand Spray 20.50 €
Fusso Coat Speed & Barrier Hand Spray is a product with a wipe-free guarantee! Washing the car before application is not always necessary, because our product does not only protect your car from damage by repelling water and oil, but also removes dirt marks, if they are not that stubborn. The effect of the fluorine resin makes it so that ritual car washing can be almost entirely forgotten. Both men and women can use this product in order to achieve an equally flawless masterpiece, without sticky and smelly after-effects that most other conventional coatings produce. Petroleum-free formulation.
1. Make sure that your car’s color is compatible with this product
2. Wash off dirt in advance to protect the surface from scratches.
3. Shake the bottle well.
4. Spray it on the car and spread it as evenly as possible with the included towel.
5. Refold it and use another clean side when it becomes hard to wipe. -
Nahk Care KIT nahahooldusvahendite komplekt 35.99 €
Komplekt mis sisaldab 500ml nahapuhastusvahendit ja nahakaitsevahendit
Leather Cream nahakaitsevahendeid kreem 500ml 25.01 €
Nahakaitsekreem toidab, kaitseb ja taastab lõhna vanadesse ja uutesse nahkesemetesse.
Leather Ultra Clean nahapuhastusvahend 500ml 23.42 €
Sügavpuhastab määrdunud nahad, eemaldades vähese vaevaga terast kogu mustuse ja mustuse.
SKIN Leather Care Gel 250 g 21.23 €
SKIN on väärtuslikest loodusvaradest valmistatud hooldusgeel igasuguse sileda naha jaoks.
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PURPLE Vinylcare liquid 500 ml 18.67 €
Proovitud ja tõestatud veepõhine puhastusvahend, jätab loomuliku satiinläikega viimistluse. Välja töötatud spetsiaalselt autosalongide jaoks. Ei jäta kleepuvat jääki.
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BOOST Engine Dressing 500 ml 23.67 €
Kõrge kvaliteediga satiinläikega viimistlus kogu mootoriruumi jaoks. Võib kõhklemata pihustada mootori niisketele osadele. Pühkimine pole vajalik.
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SLIME Tire Dressing Gel 500 ml 21.23 €
Rehvide ja kummiosade viskoosne kõrgläikega hooldus. Iseloomustab selle intensiivne ja ühtlane püsiv sära.
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NEO Polymer Protection 500 ml 27.45 €
Ainulaadne ja ülimalt vastupidav polümeer-läikega kaitse praktiliselt kõigile välispindadele.
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ICE Glass & Waterspot Cleaner Gel 500 ml 15.13 €
Ainulaadne, kõrge viskoossusega geelivalem, mida on lihtne kasutada klaaspindade puhastamiseks ja kangekaelsete veeplekkide tõhusaks kõrvaldamiseks.
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SPAM Universal Cleaner 500 ml 20.01 €
Ülitõhus universaalne puhastusvahend, mida kasutatakse suure hulga mustuse ja mustuse hõlpsaks eemaldamiseks peaaegu kõigil sõiduki pindadel.
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RIM 7 Rim Cleaning Gel 500 ml 21.23 €
Nutikas happevaba velje puhastusvahend värvimuutmise tehnoloogiaga eriti määrdunud velgede jaoks. Materjalisõbralik geelivalem.
Saadaval tellimisel
Nanolex klaasipuhastusvahend 100ml 3.59 €
Nanolex Glass Cleaner töötati välja spetsiaalselt autoklaasi jaoks. Uuenduslik koostis tagab mustuse, rasva, putukate ja vahade põhjaliku eemaldamise hõlpsalt ja triibuvaba viimistlusega.
Nanolex salongipuhastusvahend RTU 100ml 5.03 €
Nanolex Interior Cleaner on mõeldud kõigi sisepindade, nagu nahk, vinüül ja plast, õrnaks puhastamiseks.
Nanolex Insect Remover RTU putukajääkide eemaldusvahend 200ml 6.05 €
Nanolex putukajääkide eemaldusvahend on spetsiaalne leeliseline puhastusvahend putukate, kitiini, õietolmu ja muude orgaaniliste jääkide jääkidevabaks eemaldamiseks, valmistades auto ette eelpesu etapiks.
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Nanolex veljepesuvahend ja rauajääkide eemaldaja 200ml 7.69 €
Nanolex Wheel Cleaner & Iron Remover on üliefektiivne ja ülikiire toimega rataste puhastusvahend ja rooste eemaldaja.
Nanolex Final Finish 100ml 9.13 €
Nanolex Final Finish on murranguline veepõhine kiirdetailer revolutsioonilise koostisosade kombinatsiooniga.
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